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Uplula Magazine Loader

Uplula Magazine Loader

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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From personal experience, these Uplula Mag Loaders are the Bee's knees, these things make loading your magazine such a breeze youll feel like a peasant if you dont use them for everything after this.

This particular Mag Loader is for the Double Stack Magazine from 9mm up to .45 ACP. If you have a single stack magazine, they also have an adapter (sold separately) on the market as well.

Perfect if you have arthritis, weak hands, painful joints, or you're having issues loading the last round or two into your extended clip yo, this is definitely the tool you need!

Since 2001, Maglula has manufactured professional military-grade tools for loading and unloading magazines. These products save valuable time at the range, field, armory and prevent pain associated with loading and unloading magazines.

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